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Month: July 2011


Posted in Art Work


Early July brings freshly picked blueberries around here. Whether they are the tiny  Maine blueberries, the giant sized Jersey berries, or the freshly picked local berries, they are all delicious and taste like summer.  If you have an artist in the family, you can count on finding them with their camera photographing the berries before anyone gets a chance to eat them.


I enjoy painting fruits and vegetables, and blueberries are one of my favorites. I love their color – blue – purple, sometimes a blush of pink or green.  My favorite is their star-like ends.

Blueberries up close

You will often find a painting of blueberries in my work.

This matted painting on watercolor paper can be found in my Etsy shop.

Another Treasury

Posted in Uncategorized

Another Treasury

In addition to working on new paintings, I've been participating in the Etsy Entrepreneur Team Pay It Forward Challenge. It's a form of marketing to help promote shops and help increase store views, generate interest  and sales. There are some really wonderful treasuries being created and I thought I'd share one that featured two of my little paintings. Enjoy!