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Tag: dew drops

Painting Dew Drops

Posted in Art Work, and Peeking Behind the Easel

Painting Dew Drops

After posting on dew drops this week, I was curious about how to paint them. It's not something I've painted before. Over the years, I've saved "how to" pages from various art magazines. I keep them in clear page holders in a  loose leaf notebook.  It comes in handy as a great reference for times like this.

Turns out that I have saved instructions from several artists on how they paint dew drops. All of them have the same basics: transparent wash of light  yellow to form the drop, darker shade of the leaf or flower for the shadow in the drop and the cast shadow, and a highlight on the dark shadow of the drop.  Highlighting over the shadow of the drop was the part that was most interesting to me. Usually the light side is highlighted, instead the shadow side is to create the appearance of translucency.  Here's my first try:

1st try at painting dew drops

I used a scrap of watercolor paper leftover from trimming a painting. The middle leaf is based too dark to give a good effect but I was pleased with the left and right leaves for my first attempt. I am inspired by fooling around with painting dew drops. I'll be working on a painting this week including dew drops. Stay tuned.  

If Dewdrops Were Diamonds

Posted in Peeking Behind the Easel

If Dewdrops Were Diamonds

In these end of the summer mornings the dew is heavy on every surface.  The practical side of my brain says great time to sow grass seed on the bares spots of the yard.  The art side of my brain…. sees it quite differently. A sea of sparkling dewdrops as far as the eye can see, shining in the new morning light.  Like diamonds twinkling in the sunlight.  What if each dewdrop was a diamond?

Dew drops on grass

Diamonds…… waiting to be scooped up in baskets, like Easter eggs during a hunt. 

Close  Up view of Dew Drops

  The mini drops look like diamond seedling,  I love the ones hanging off the blade of grass. If dew drops were diamonds…. I suppose they would not be as valued since they would now be as common as dew drops in the morning light.    : )

Enjoy the beauty of your day !