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The Great Tomato Escape

Posted in Musing About Art, and Reference Photos

The Great Tomato Escape

What in the world? I opened the blinds this morning to see this….. 

tomato on gate

A not quite ripe tomato hanging on out on the gate handle.  Some blemishes, but no bite marks,  just hanging out.  I'm guess a squirrel hauled it up there on to the perfect eating platform.. Either that or the tomato was on it's way to jumping the gate for the Great Tomato Escape…. 

This would make for a odd  painting. Lots of contrasts: soft tomato, hard wood gate, dull gate, bright colorful tomato….Would the more philosophical among us read symbolism into a painting of a tomato on a gate handle?  Or would it just be a weird painting? Or could I turn into a children's art by painting it in a  whimsy style and creating a story around it? Or take it in the opposite direction and lean it into a Salvador Dali like surreal art ? Something to think about……   : )    Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. How funny! One would think it was an odd painting. Who would put a tomato on a gate in that way, for any reason? Perhaps we should ask the mysterious person or thing who did it? Maybe someone saw it on the ground and put it there so an animal wouldn't eat it? Interesting…

    September 16, 2011
    • Sibstudio

      Definitely not what I expected to see this morning lol!

      September 16, 2011
  2. My friend who grows many tomatoes says to be careful – they may attack next (then he starting singing "attack of the killer tomatoes" – he's feeling a bit silly).

    September 16, 2011
  3. My friend also thinks your painting would be a great juxtaposition 🙂

    September 16, 2011
    • Sibstudio

      LOL! Attack of the Killer Tomatoes – hilarious! I forgot about that movie. : )

      September 17, 2011

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