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Author: Kathy

Even More Bunnies in My Yard

Posted in Musing About Art, and Reference Photos

Even More Bunnies in My Yard

Here's one of the newest batch of  bunnies. Do I dare ask how many batches a year rabbits have?… not to know, just enjoy they're adorable cuteness!  These photos were taken from inside, through the window.

New babies

What is it about this planter that attracts the bunnies?

Muncing on flowers

Luckily he's so little that all his munching won't do too much damage.

Each one is different - this one has a white spot on his head

Each rabbit is a little different.  This little guy has a white spot in the middle of his forehead. It's fun to get to recognize each individual rabbit as they grow.  I probably won't paint  his little white spot in a painting because it's not very common and would distract from the painting.  Good old artistic license – keeps the painting from looking like I splash white paint on his forehead!

Painting Daisies

Posted in Musing About Art, and Reference Photos

Painting Daisies

I paint a lot of daisies. I love seeing them waving in the summer breezes in July & August. Their whites and yellows are so airy and fresh in the summer heat.


I have several patches of them around the yard to paint en plein or photograph for later.  [En plein air is a French expression which means "in the open air", and is particularly used to describe the act of painting outdoors.]

More daisies

Daisies are a simple flower to paint and I like that they can be painted in so many different styles and moods. Give them a grey undertone, and they have a softer, understated feel. Paint them with greens tints and they have a more woodsy feel. Punch up the yellow centers and they have a happier feel. They can be painted loosely  or finely detailed.  It's a great flower to paint!


Posted in Art Work


Early July brings freshly picked blueberries around here. Whether they are the tiny  Maine blueberries, the giant sized Jersey berries, or the freshly picked local berries, they are all delicious and taste like summer.  If you have an artist in the family, you can count on finding them with their camera photographing the berries before anyone gets a chance to eat them.


I enjoy painting fruits and vegetables, and blueberries are one of my favorites. I love their color – blue – purple, sometimes a blush of pink or green.  My favorite is their star-like ends.

Blueberries up close

You will often find a painting of blueberries in my work.

This matted painting on watercolor paper can be found in my Etsy shop.

Another Treasury

Posted in Uncategorized

Another Treasury

In addition to working on new paintings, I've been participating in the Etsy Entrepreneur Team Pay It Forward Challenge. It's a form of marketing to help promote shops and help increase store views, generate interest  and sales. There are some really wonderful treasuries being created and I thought I'd share one that featured two of my little paintings. Enjoy!

Bunnies In My Yard

Posted in Reference Photos

Bunnies In My Yard

I've written in the past about the bunnies in my yard. They are so darn cute….. except when they eat my flowering quince bush….   We have  what must be a vary  large new batch of babies nibbling in every corner of the yard.  They are palm size – so little and cute!

They've shown up regularly in my paintings over  the years.  They move too quickly to get lots of photos.  I guess I don't have the patience to sit quietly and wait for them. I'd make a lousy wildlife photographer.  But you can learn a lot about your subject by watching them in motion…..preferably inside with a nice cup of coffee. : – )   If you've ever  watched rabbits, they suddenly take off running in zigzags for no apparent reason, giving you get plenty of time seeing them in motion.  I love the more rounded features and short little ears of the babies.  And over time, you can tell the difference between them by size, narrowness of the face, and variations in fur coloring.

Here's a peek at a few photos I managed to grab of them:

Isn't he a cutie? He or she is only 4 –  5  inches or so from nose to tail.

Sometimes they get way too comfortable around here.  This was freshly planted with flower seeds. Guess it looked like a comfy place to hang out.  This is one of the photos taken from inside.