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Author: Kathy

New Mini Paintings

Posted in Art Work

New Mini Paintings

I have two new mini paintings finished this week.  Both are on 3" x 3" square miniature canvases. I think the square shape highlights the flowers nicely.  Both can be found in my Etsy shop.  Enjoy the weekend!

Three Sunflowers

Summer Sunflowers

Magnolia blossom

Magnolia Blossom

Weigela Blooms

Posted in Reference Photos

Weigela Blooms

May is a wonderful month for flowers in bloom here in Pennsylvania. I try to grab my camera and capture all of the blooms before they are gone until next year.  Ticks are the only things that make me hesitate before charging into the garden to get a great photo. Is there really any  reason for ticks to exist? Other than to gross me out….. This week the weigela are in bloom. The flowers are like miniature trumpets of pink. I just love the leaves on the 2 – 4 photos.   Eventually they will be featured in future paintings. Enjoy!


The above Weigela is the Wine and Roses variety

Aren't those leaves fantastic?!  They look like I took a paintbrush to them.

weigela close up

This weigela is the Verigated Weigela

weigela close up

Art of the Absurd

Posted in Musing About Art

Art of the Absurd

I love art that is absurd, playful, and has a twist. It loosely fits into the art category of surrealism as defined by wikipedia:   "Surrealist works feature the element of surprise, unexpected juxtapositions and non sequitur…."   I've painted a number of paintings in the past that are a playfully absurd and they are really fun.  I will be finishing some new works in the future.

I love the food photography ads that pop up occasionally in the magazines and tv. I collect the print ads in a file for a jump start of creativity when I am having an artist block.  Here's one of my favorites:

Ad from the Cattlemen's Beef Board

This ad is from the Cattlemen's Beef Board.  Pieces of beef as mountains with blue cheese sauce snow tips and broccoli trees in the valley.  Fantastic!  I love the use of meat as mountains – lots of symbolism in that.  And who hasn't called broccoli "trees" to try to get a child to eat them.  Great fun art!

New Treasury

Posted in Uncategorized

New Treasury

Hi Everyone!

I'm painting all week for clients.  I'll have some new paintings as well for Etsy and the local CCAA Exton Gallery shortly.  In the meantime my acorn & oak leaves mini was included in a lovely collection of Etsy shops in this treasury.   The handpainted silk scarf is just beautiful in up close photos.  Enjoy!


Ack! Organizing Photos

Posted in Organization

Ack! Organizing Photos

I take lots of digital photos….. as do most people these days.  How to keep them organized…..? 

In general, I have them separated into files on the computer.  I do print out many of them.   Since I used the photos to paint from, I need the physical photos for reference.  Propping up a computer  near me and my paint  …… oh such a bad idea!  Unless I want a very personalized paint splattered…. decorated?….computer that no one would mistake as their own.  I clip photos to my easel and drawing table with bulldog clips so I can see them as I draw and paint.

I want to be able to use the photos for years to come, so printing them out  from the regular printer doesn't seem like a great idea to me. I've been using for actual printed photos. You upload the photos and either use their service  to have the photos sent to you or send them to your local Target to be pick up that day. 

How are you keeping your photos organized? Any suggestions are welcomed!