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Author: Kathy

New Mini’s at the CCAA Mall Gallery

Posted in Art Work

New Mini's at the

CCAA Mall Gallery

Hi Everyone!

Computer cooties slowed me down a bit online, but we're cleaned up and ready to go! I've been continuing with the need to paint spring until it arrives. So there are new spring themed mini paintings freshly arrived at the CCAA Mall Gallery. I also have several beach scene minis that i dropped off last week.  Look for new Easter themed minis in the next weeks.

The Gallery is opened 11am – 7 pm, Tuesdays, Thursday, and Saturdays.

Daffodil Painting

Posted in Art Work

Daffodil Painting

Hi Everyone!

Just finished a new painting.  I always enjoy looking for the first little daffodil stem buds that appear after the snow melts.  When they finally bloom, you know spring is on it's way. After all the cold, snow and ice this winter, I am really looking forward to seeing them in full bloom. So until then, I'll just paint  them as I wish they were.   : – )

You can find this finished matted painting at my Etsy shop. 

New Painting Up

Posted in Art Work

New Painting Up

Hi Everyone!

I have a new painting up in my online ship at Etsy.  Daffodils on a mini canvas – a little touch of spring in the midst of snow and ice. 

It has already been featured in a wonderful spring treasury called I Need Spring!.  Enjoy!


Snowy Branches

Posted in Reference Photos

Snowy Branches

Hi Everyone!

More snow today!  The weather forecasters were announcing up to 1 inch of snow and rain. If they had looked out their windows they would have seen over 3 inches and heavy snow!  Sometimes Mother Nature doesn't follow the computer forecast. : – )

Seemed like a good day to take some reference photos for snow, especially snow on tree branches. I've painted several small paintings of snow scenes and it's always good to have good reference photos of how the snow sits on the tree branches. Stronger branches  will hold quite a bit of snow with no slagging. The viburnum is a good example:


The snow will sit on the branches and nestle in the crooks and V's of the branches. Pine trees and decorative grasses sag under the weight of snow.  Snow piles on the branches and cause the whole branch to sag under the weight.


A good understanding of how snow sits on branches with help make a snowy scene painting even better:

Here's a small example.   I'm looking forward to painting more snowy paintings.   Enjoy your day!