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Category: Peeking Behind the Easel

Yellow Tulip Painting

Posted in Art Work, and Peeking Behind the Easel

What a cold and snowy winter this has been…! Yesterday brought another inch or so and more predicted later on this week. So what to do? Paint spring flowers is what I am doing!

This week I finished a 6 x 6 inch painting of yellow tulips. I use photos of tulips I’ve taken over the years as my references. I chose warm yellows for the flowers because I like yellow tulips and for the warmth of the color.  The leaves are painted with blue greens and touches of purple. The background is a purple – azure blue blend to help pop the yellow tulips.

Kathy Sibley painting
Yellow Tulips

I like the 6 by 6 inches canvases – not too small and not too big. The gallery wrap canvas means no framing needed. You can frame it if you like, but the sides are painted so the painting looks great hanging frameless.

A great size
A great size

Stay warm and enjoy your day !


Daffodil Drawing, Part 3

Posted in Art Work, and Peeking Behind the Easel

Finished! Here is the finished drawing:

SibStudio at Etsy
Finished daffodil drawing

I am happy with how it turned out. I wanted to capture the simple beauty of daffodils in black and white.  I kept the drawing to a roughly 5 x 7 space as I worked. After playing with different size matting and color, I opted for a slightly larger matting to focus the eye on the drawing. I also thought that the white matting helped to bring out better contrast between the light and dark of the drawing.
You can find this drawing at my art shop – SibStudio  – on Etsy.

Daffodil Drawing, Part 1

Posted in Art Work, and Peeking Behind the Easel

The daffodils are in full bloom here in Pennsylvania! I love watching them open and turn up towards the sunlight. I had to stop and grab my pencils and capture their simple beauty.

The weather is still iffy with rain, so I took some photos as references to work from.  I start my drawings with  a very loose sketch with a HB graphite pencil of the basic shapes of the flowers and leaves.  For a small drawings, a clip board is a great tool to mount the paper on.

daffodil drawing
Starting of the daffodil drawing

I worked with 4B, 5B, and 8B soft graphite pencils. 4B is my favorite because it is just dark enough to get great contrast in the details and still be able to lift it off with an eraser to create lighter areas.  I started in the negative space between the leaves to establish the darkest parts of the drawing, and began laying in the stems and leaves.  Stay tuned to Part 2!


A New Fresh Year

Posted in Peeking Behind the Easel


Time flies when things get busy! The holidays are over, 4th quarter is finished, as are wholesale orders, my favorite clients Christmas orders, studio has been scrubbed clean, and things have settle down a bit. I love the freshness of a new year : )

As I am working on several private client orders, let me share a some pet photos.

delilah and sherlock

These guys are my part time doggies who hang out with me during the day.  Meet Delilah and Sherlock.

My college aged son took in an injured cat, who  began to look a little fat…..yup. Kittens….. and not just a normal batch of 3 -4 .  Nope she had 6 (!) healthy kittens. Recently petless, I offered to take two:

fin and cleo blog

Meet Finn and Cleo  And then one more kitten needed a home, so now it is three.

three kittens   blogMeet Dora with her sister kittens.

All the kittens and dogs get along great and have fun playing together.  The kittens look forward to the dogs arrival in the mornings and then play like crazy together when we are dog free in the evenings. They are all really fun and I enjoy their antics and sweetness.  No pets allowed in the studio keeps things under control so I can work and keeps my studio clean.  And that is a peek behind the easel… actually from outside of the shut studio door.  🙂