Hello again! Hope you are all well as I get my blog back on track! My latest painting is a beautiful stalk of dark fuchsia gladiolus.
My inspiration for this painting is the tall stalks of beautiful gladiolus in a neighbor’s yard. I love watching the buds unroll into tall, full, ruffly flowers. I painted these beauties as a fully unrolled stalks in all their magnificant glory.
I used mixes of purples, red-violet, blues, and greens with touches of yellow and cream for the highlights. The dark black-green background helps to pop the colors of the flowers and give the painting depth.
I painted these glads on a 8 x 16 inches gallery wrapped canvas. This size canvas is very popular with my buyers. It’s the perfect size to add a little original artwork to your home or office. This original acrylic painting can be found on my etsy shop: SibStudio
Thank you for stopping by! I will be posting regularly and keep you up to date on both by art and my sewing.
I do a lot of custom orders for my sewing shop. It is a lot of fun to see what a customer chooses for colors or design.
Collection of custom bags
Laying out fabrics and choice of zippers as a design board for custom order
I have tweaked my designs at times because of what a customer would like. One of my customers wanted hidden straps in her tote. After fooling with the design and changes in making the tote, I ended up loving the look of the hidden straps. It is now my current design with totes & diaper bags. The straps are still sewn in from the bottom seam, all the way up the bag, but now you can’t see it.
Train diaper bag
Quite often I don’t have the right colors of zippers or fabric on hand. That’s no problem. It is really easy to order what ever is needed. Today a box with zippers and thread for several customers arrived.
Order of zippers and threads for custom orders
It is always exciting to open up the box and see all the goodies! Time to get started 🙂
Etsy keeps getting better and better for me as a seller and you as a buyer! This week brings an Etsy credit card reader. It is the little thing that plugs into a cell phone to swipe credit cards. Now I can use this in person when my local customers want to buy direct from me! You don’t even have to be an Etsy member to buy from me in person.
Introducing the Etsy Credit Card Reader!
For my local customers – you can finally use your credit cards to make a purchase from me, and without having to sign up for Etsy. It will work for both of my shops.
As are far security, Etsy has it covered. Etsy card reader is fully PCI level 1 compliant and meets industry security standards. Encryption occurs at the reader, and we do not store any credit card information on the device – Etsy
My card reader will be arriving shortly and will make the local holidays sales even easier 🙂 I’ll have more iPhone and smartphone wristlets, zipper bags, diaper bags, and artwork for you next week. Have a great weekend all!
Good morning!
I’ve been busy with customs orders for both my sewing shop and my art shop for the past month or so. It’s always fun to paint and sew for customers, using new fabrics, new designs, painting new ideas, and new surfaces.
I am adding new items in both shops this week. Here’s a sneak peek: