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SibStudio Posts

Nesting Red Tail Hawk Cam

Posted in Peeking Behind the Easel, and Reference Photos

I love watching the variety of bird cams from around the country. It is so interesting to see the birds up close. You can see their eyes, beaks, feathers, as well as how they perch, fly and sit. It’s great for observing and sketching the birds for future paintings and drawings.

This week I’ve been peeking in on a red tail hawk on the Cornell Lab or Ornithology. Here’s the link so you can see these beautiful hawks:

The mom is sitting on two eggs now and the dad flies in regularly. There are also photos on the page in case you miss seeing the hawks moving and flying in and out.

Mom and Dad redtail hawks tending two eggs in their nest Photo: From Jacquie Laughlin twitter feed via Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Mom and Dad redtail hawks tending two eggs in their nest
Photo: From Jacquie Laughlin twitter feed via Cornell Lab of Ornithology

There is also a twitter feed to the right with this great photo of both birds facing the nest and away from the camera. You can see their gorgeous red tail feathers and how they got their names.  Head on over this great bird cam and Enjoy!

New Daffodil Painting

Posted in Art Work, and Peeking Behind the Easel

I love painting daffodils, especially at the end of winter while waiting for spring to arrive!  This is my newest painting of daffodils.

Springtime Daffodils
Springtime Daffodils

I used a 12 x 4 x 1.25 inch gallery wrapped canvas to focus the painting on just the daffodils. I painted the sides of canvas to give the entire painting a bit of a 3D feel. 

Side view of painting
Side view of painting


My inspiration was photos that I took at the Philadelphia Flower Show a few years ago.  The display of daffodils was so cheerful and beautiful.

My reference photos
My reference photos

I enjoyed painting the yellows and oranges of the flowers and the greens of the leaves. There are touches of purple and  gray-blue in the shadows of the petals and leaves.  You can find this painting listed today at my Etsy shop.  I am looking forward to seeing daffodils outside shortly as spring finally arrives. 🙂


More iPhone 6 Wristlets

Posted in Sewing: Finished Bags & Pouches

I know many of you are waiting for more iPhone 6 and 6 Plus wristlets. I have a variety that I have finished this week. Here is one in progress: Cute baseballs just in time for spring training.

Getting ready to finish sewing the baseball iPhone 6 wristlet
Getting ready to finish sewing the baseball iPhone 6 wristlet

Some of these are already up and ready for sale in my shop. The rest will be listed over the weekend.  Have a great weekend!

These are the newest wristlets
These are the newest wristlets


Sewing Custom Orders

Posted in Peeking Behind the Easel, Sewing: Finished Bags & Pouches, and Uncategorized

I do a lot of custom orders for my sewing shop.  It is a lot of fun to see what a customer chooses for colors or design.


Collection of custom bags
Collection of custom bags
Laying out fabrics and choice of zippers as a design board for custom order
Laying out fabrics and choice of zippers as a design board for custom order


I have tweaked my designs at times because of what a customer would like.  One of my customers wanted hidden straps in her tote. After fooling with the design and changes in making the tote, I ended up loving the look of the hidden straps. It is now my current design with totes & diaper bags. The straps are still sewn in from the bottom seam, all the way up the bag, but now you can’t see it.

Train diaper bag
Train diaper bag

Quite often I don’t have the right colors of zippers or fabric on hand. That’s no problem. It is really easy to order what ever is needed.  Today a box with zippers and thread for several customers arrived.

Order of zippers and threads for custom orders
Order of zippers and threads for custom orders

It is always exciting to open up the box and see all the goodies! Time to get started 🙂

Sneak Peek, January 6

Posted in Sewing: Finished Bags & Pouches

Here’s a sneak peek at what is on my sewing table today:

Black lace over satin wristlets
Black lace over satin wristlets

Two styles of smartphone wristlets in progress.  I layer black lace over black satin over a black cotton foundation. The three layers create a sturdy but beautiful purse.  These wristlets will be finished and listed this week.

This beautiful faux suede camel phone wristlet is also ready to be listed.

Velvety soft camel faux suede smartphone wristlet
Velvety soft camel faux suede smartphone wristlet

More to come!  Have a wonderful day !