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SibStudio Posts

A New Fresh Year

Posted in Peeking Behind the Easel


Time flies when things get busy! The holidays are over, 4th quarter is finished, as are wholesale orders, my favorite clients Christmas orders, studio has been scrubbed clean, and things have settle down a bit. I love the freshness of a new year : )

As I am working on several private client orders, let me share a some pet photos.

delilah and sherlock

These guys are my part time doggies who hang out with me during the day.  Meet Delilah and Sherlock.

My college aged son took in an injured cat, who  began to look a little fat…..yup. Kittens….. and not just a normal batch of 3 -4 .  Nope she had 6 (!) healthy kittens. Recently petless, I offered to take two:

fin and cleo blog

Meet Finn and Cleo  And then one more kitten needed a home, so now it is three.

three kittens   blogMeet Dora with her sister kittens.

All the kittens and dogs get along great and have fun playing together.  The kittens look forward to the dogs arrival in the mornings and then play like crazy together when we are dog free in the evenings. They are all really fun and I enjoy their antics and sweetness.  No pets allowed in the studio keeps things under control so I can work and keeps my studio clean.  And that is a peek behind the easel… actually from outside of the shut studio door.  🙂


Smartphone Wristlets

Posted in Sewing: Finished Bags & Pouches

I posted last time on the awesome cheetah suede cloth I found over the summer.  I’ve been using it for making smartphone wristlets locally and online.  I thought you might like to see how the fabric works up in a wristlet. I’ve included some of the wristlets I’ve made out of real suede as well.  Suede is thicker and in my opinion much hard to sew.  But I love the final product and the velvety softness.

suede and suede cloth smartphone wristlets

This wristlets can hold smartphones, iPhone 5 and of course iPhone 4.  They are perfect for those days you don’t want to lug around a big purse but still carry your essentials – cell phone, keys, money, credit cards.


Cheetah Suede Cloth

Posted in Sewing: Finished Bags & Pouches

Back!  Life has a way of piling one thing after another around here!  New pets, family,  home repairs – the unplanned kind, wholesale orders, customer orders…ah  the usual!  : )   Now back to blogging!  I’ll be mixing it up with art, paintings, sewing, and my photography.

I wanted to share this awesome fabric I found this summer:cheetah suedeclothIt is a soft suede cloth cheetah print. It has a richness of browns and caramel tans as well as being soft. Suede cloth is a synthetic fabric that has a velvet-like nap finish and an easy care fabric.  I enjoy sewing with it and love the way it looks in a  finished item.

To make it more fun, animal prints are big in this season’s fashion and accessories.   I’ve been using this fabric in local sewing, as well as in my Etsy shop.  It’s been a big hit sewn as smartphone wristlets locally at Nich.  I have used it for some items in my shop with more to come.

Etsy Gift Cards

Posted in Other Artist Work

I saw this morning that Etsy is offering gift cards now. The gift cards can be used at any Etsy shop. How cool is that?!

From Etsy:

” Starting this fall, any member will be able to purchase a gift card with a US credit card. You can email the gift card directly to a friend or print one out to give in person. The gift card credit will be in the form of a code, which buyers will use towards purchases at any shop accepting direct checkout.”

So if you are looking a great holiday gift, this might be the perfect thing.  A gift card to any of the over 250,000 Etsy shops!

Local news: Cellphone wristlets at Nich

Posted in Sewing: Finished Bags & Pouches

I’ve been working on a local order. It’s been great fun to work with the shop owner and customize the design to fit her customers needs.

Aren’t they fun ?!   I love all the colors and fabric of these cell phone wristlets and coin purse wristlets. The colorful zippers and surprise inside fabric colors add to the fun of these wristlets.  Each has a transparent vinyl exterior pocket for a college id  or license. I delivered the first order last week with more to come.

You can find these at Nich in downtown West Chester, PA. Owner Kristy is so nice and her shop is a funky urban edge women’s clothing boutique.  She has an active fan club of followers on Nich facebook  page as well as on Pinterest. If you are in the area, it’s worth the trip to stop in and check out her wonderful boutique.