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Scotch Tape Sculpture

Posted in Other Artist Work

Who knew you could make sculptures from scotch tape?  These are amazing:

This is really made from scotch tape!

Love these merry go round horses


3M Scotch Tape runs a scotch tape sculpture contest each year. This is 2012’s winner

Source: via Edwige on Pinterest

I will never look at scotch tape the same again!

Sewing with Vinyl

Posted in Sewing: Finished Bags & Pouches

I am up to my eyeballs with a large local sewing order. It’s great fun meeting someone new  and working together to tweak some of my sewing designs to meet their needs.  I find design tweaking absorbing and time consuming.  I always learn something new.

One of the tweaks is adding a vinyl pocket on to a cell phone clutch. I’ve never used vinyl before and it is kind cool to work with.  A trip to JoAnne’s  to check out vinyl, I found that the lower the gauge the thinner the vinyl is. I have opted to work with an 18 gauge vinyl for sturdiness.

Vinyl wants to stick to your machine when sewing.  I found  that there are a lot  sewing blogs that  suggest  adding scotch tape to the bottom of your sewing foot.  I tried it and it works great! Adding a small strip on either side of the needle plate, under the foot helped too.  It glides right through when sewing. has great photos  and instructions

Source: via Cindy on Pinterest

Another tip from   is to keep the tissue paper that comes with a roll of vinyl with the piece of vinyl you are working on. Seems obvious ….. now.  Those edges of the vinyl are really hard to see and the tissue paper helps a lot.

I’ll definitely be experimenting with vinyl in the future.  but for today, vinyl playtime is over and it’s time to work on the order and also finish up a painting that is almost done.  Enjoy your day !


Posted in Musing About Art

Summer has arrived!  We saw 101 around the Philadelphia area yesterday. Recording breaking?  Nope.   1936 takes the record for 104 in July, as did 1966.  1901 brought next  July record breakers of 102 and 103.  All I can say is the person who invented the air conditioner rocks!

Painting outside is not something that is going to be attempted by me in this weather. So while you are indoors, may these great photos of cold take your mind off the heat and  inspire some great cold creative ideas:

Source: via ΛMΛ on Pinterest

Source: via Lauren on Pinterest


Hope that helps to inspire cool thoughts and great ideas !




New Years Resolutions……?

Posted in Peeking Behind the Easel

So how about those New Years Resolutions?…… Oh yea, forgot about those!  : )  Anyone remember what yours were?….   I’ve forgotten mine….

kaybrotech via bing copyrightfree images

Ok so now that I cheated and looked up to see what they were….  Blog more often, oh yea….. that  one needs some work.  And the one that says paint one new painting a week needs more work too.  The last one that about getting more organized is actually one that I’ve had quite a bit of success.  Yea!

deposit photos via bing copyright free images

Opening a second shop this spring derailed the first two.  Should have made that a resolution!  I forgot how much time it takes to open a shop, all the writing that goes into a shop – policies, profile, descriptions for new items….making  items and starting from scratch promoting the shop. But it’s all come together and I’ve even made my first sale!  So as we are half  way through the year, I will resolve to blog more,  paint more, and sew!  Hope you have had better success with your resolutions…. if you remember what they were!

via bing copyright free images