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SibStudio Posts

Leap of Faith

Posted in Reference Photos

This morning I watched as the three baby bunnies took a literal leap of faith out of their nest into the big world.  How exciting!  I’ve written many times about the rabbits that live in the yard.

One of the rabbits living in the yard

About 2 -3 weeks ago the dog was sitting quietly, watching out the backdoor window.  When we came over to see what had his attention, we saw this:

Rabbit with dried grass for nesting

Neither of us had seen a rabbit gathering dried grass before. She carefully gathered a mouthful of dried grass from a pile of clippings and carried up the deck steps and hopped into a tall planter. She could not reach the planter from the ground, but she could by hopping from the steps into it. The planter is 2 -3 feet off the ground.

Rabbit hopping out of planter nest Here she is jumping out of the planter.  The photo was taken from inside and she moved so fast, but you can get the idea.

gathering dried grass for a nest She noticed us at this point, but kept on with her task.

Bunny nest in planterWe left the planter alone, not wanting to disturb any nest that might have been in the planter.  This week we noticed a small cave like hole.Yesterday we noticed this:

baby bunny in planter nest

One of the three babies. They were starting to move out into view – although I could only get a photo through the screen door glass. They are barely 3 inches – so cute.  This morning when I opened the blinds, I could see one leaning over the edge of the planter. That’s when I noticed that 2 tiny babies were already on the ground, scurrying under the deck overhang. As I watched, the last one took a  leap of faith into the big world and joined his siblings.   Would have been great to have had my camera but it was over in about 4 seconds.  It was so cool to able to see the big event!

Hope your day is a happy leap of faith!

Local Paintings

Posted in Art Work

If you are local, today was the day for new incoming  artwork at the Chester County Art Association at the Exton Mall. While I was bringing in new mini canvases, I saw lots of fantastic work. If you are in the area, it’s worth your time to drop by and check out some really cool art.

Miniature paintings These are some of the newest miniature paintings I dropped off this week.


Storm Clouds

Posted in Reference Photos

After a day with temperature in the high 90’s, a cold front came marching in with magnificent dark clouds.  Take a look:

 Storm Clouds in May  SibStudio dot com The clouds looked like they were from the Wizard of Oz rather than Pennsylvania

May Storm Clouds   They were moving steadily across the sky, loosely swirling. They looked like the huge clouds of  large paintings of the stormy seas.

May Cold Front Marching inLuckily they were more bite than bark, and the storm itself was quite mild. But boy were they a site to behold! I will be using these photos in future paintings.

Purple Clematis Wall Hanging, Part 2 Finished

Posted in Peeking Behind the Easel, and Sewing: Finished Bags & Pouches

It's finished! What fun this quilt was!  Take a look and see what you think : )

purple clematis wall hanging by kathy sibley   sibstudiosewing at etsy

 My favorite parts are the painted clematis and the quilting. I used a  heat sensitive pen to sketch out the clematis across the purple and white blocks to use as a guide for the quilting on the side panels.

purple clematis   sibstudio dot com

  I'm ready to start the next one!  You can find this quilt later this morning at my SibStudioSewing shop at Etsy

Purple Clematis Wall Hanging, Part 1

Posted in Peeking Behind the Easel, and Sewing: Finished Bags & Pouches

I rarely used a pattern when creating a quilt. I usually have an imagine in mind and the trick is figure out how to make the imagine a reality.  If I am designing something  way out of the box, I use the tracing paper sheets taped together to draw out the actual quilt and proceed to make  the pattern pieces. In the case of this quilt, graph paper worked  just fine to draw out my design.

Tools for designing your own quilt   sibstudio dot com

The little notebook on the right has the quilt idea that I am working on. I sketch out sewing ideas the same way I do for painting ideas. The graph paper has the nuts & bolts measurements and design for this quilt.

I wanted the quilt to be a vertical rectangle with a center panel of painted flowers. The sides will be narrow strips that picked up the colors of the flowers. The main color will be white to give the over all quilt a fresh, bright, contemporary  look.  I have finished the center strip of painted flowers.

Center strip of painted flowers for quilt  sibstudio dot com

I used photos of clematis taken in the yard as my reference.  Stay tuned to see the finished quilt – it is almost finished!