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A New Project

Posted in Sewing: Finished Bags & Pouches

I am in the process of opening a second shop at Etsy: SibStudio Sewing. I will continue to paint and add new artwork to my SibStudio art shop. I wanted to separate out the fabric work from the painted work in my shop.   This new shop showcase my designs, and my twist on a sewn project. I've been sewing for years and have been incorporating painting into my sewn creations. I'll be giving you all a peak into what's coming  over the few weeks, as I work towards the grand opening. : )

I needed to create labels for my items.  The first label I wanted is for  wall hangings that I am working on.  I used a sheet of photo fabric  – cotton fabric attached to paper for feeding through a printer. By using the mail label template in Word, it was a snap to print out a sheet of labels.

SibStudio Sewing labels for SibStudio don com

One of the last steps is to run the label under water. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the ink held up well and there was no smearing or fading. I'm not sure the labels will hold up in the washer, but for a wall hanging, they work well.

SibStudio Sewing labels for SibStudio don com

I kept the initial label simple for now. But you could add a logo or small artwork to the labels as well. Stay tuned for more updates, more paintings, and more peeks behind my easel.


New Drawing

Posted in Art Work

Here is my newest drawing:

Graphite Chrysanthemums by Kathy Sibley

I used one of my  reference photos of a bouquet of flowers. These three mums were nestled together basking in a ray of sunlight. Mums are such a blast to draw. The petals are so varied with dark shadows and bright highlights. I used 2B and 4B graphite pencils for this drawing. It is matted in black and can be found in my Etsy shop


The Wonder of Light – Lava Or Water?

Posted in Musing About Art, and Other Artist Work

Light is such a big part of art .  How a subject is lit, where the lighting is coming from, how the lighting changes the colors are some of the lighting questions that come into play with how a  painting is composed.  What type of lighting  – natural  sunlight, incandescent, florescent light, all cast different shades of white onto a painting. The "perfect " light is natural sunlight.

Now what happens when nature decides to throw a curve ball into the "perfect"  lighting with a spectacular sunset?

AP photo by Bethany Gediman, Daily Mail

This AP photo was taken by Bethany Gediman –  courtesy of the Daily Mail

Is it lava flowing down the cliff? Or is it just a simple waterfall?

"A window of time just opened in Yosemite National Park when nature photographers wait, as if for an eclipse, until the moment when the sun and earth align to create a fleeting phenomenon. This marvel of celestial configuration happens in a flash at sunset in mid-February — if the winter weather cooperates.  On those days the setting sun illuminates one of the park's lesser-known waterfalls so precisely that it resembles molten lava as it flows over the sheer granite face of the imposing El Capitan."  UK Daily Mail.

Youtube photo clip courtesty of   UK Daily Mail of Yosemite waterfall

Youtube photo clip courtesy of UK Daily Mail
"…Photographers look for 
the lowest angle of light that will paint Horsetail the colors of an iridescent sunset as rays reflect off granite behind the water. It materializes in varying degrees of intensity for the same two weeks every year.  'If you hit it at just the right time, it turns this amazing color of gold or red-orange,' said Frye, a photo instructor with the Ansel Adams Gallery in the park." – Daily Mail

How  cool is that?!


Happy Weekend!

Posted in Art Work

Ooops!  Where did the week go?! 

I am working on a new project . I'll have some updates by the end of the month. : )    In the meantime I am painting new work for the CCAA Exton gallery and my Etsy shop.  I am bored looking at the same art and I know you are too, so stay tuned for new artwork!

This time of year brings yard work at our house. We have the yard set up so most of the work needs to be done in the early spring. Which works great because that's before the ticks are out in full force and the weather is still cool. I found the first crocus bloom and a bluebird flew by! I was surprised by the bluebird – seems early to me. But I am wrong, they are here all winter – who knew?!  I didn't have my camera with me  – umm…  power hedge clippers and cameras don't mix – at least in this household. So I am including this terrific photo from blog  that I found thanks to Ginger on Pinterest.   The blue is so brilliant – it's an eye catching bird!  And does it bring happiness ?  Well  I was happy to finish the yard work today ; )

More Signs of Spring

Posted in Reference Photos

Over the weekend, we found some more signs of Spring. As I am writing this, it is snowing. : )   All the more reason to enjoy the peek of Spring that is on it's way!

Daffodil shoots

The daffodils on the left were sheltered by an overgrown decorative grass. The shoots on the right  were not sheltered.    What a  the difference!

The always hardy butterfly bush

You can't keep the Butterfly Bush down even in the winter.  This hardy guy is busy putting out new leaves in spite of the calendar that says February.   I heavily prune the Butterfly bushes this time of year. However, I think I will leave this free thinking one alone and let it do it's thing. Wonder if it will flower early too….?

Snow drop

We almost missed this little three inch Snow Drop. Luckily it didn't get stepped on and I got a photo of the first spring flower in the yard!