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Happy Birthday Statue of Liberty

Posted in Other Artist Work

Happy Birthday Statue of Liberty


She was dedicated 125 years old ago today.  The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the people of the United States and is a universal symbol of freedom and democracy. The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on October 28, 1886, designated as a National Monument in 1924 and restored for her centennial on July 4, 1986. (1)

An incredible copper statue

Lady Liberty is made from 300 copper sheets, which are suspended from a steel framework. These copper sheets have naturally oxidized over the years, to form a 'patina' green coating. This is why the Statue of Liberty appears green. This 151′1″ tall Statue of Liberty, stands on an 89 feet tall pedestal (made of concrete and granite) and 65 feet tall. The Statue of Liberty bears semblance to Libertas, an ancient Roman goddess of freedom from slavery and tyranny. However, the sculptor, Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi, modeled the statue's face after his mother's. Lady Liberty's face is more than 8 feet tall.(4)


Her feet are 25 feet long, wherein her raised right foot symbolizes moving forward, while the left foot symbolizes trampling binding shackles. Her crown features seven spikes representing the seven continents and seven seas.

Right foot moving forward

 photo credit  – flickr.comLady Liberty's highlight is the torch held in the right hand and the Statue of Liberty tablet grasped in the left. The flame of the torch is coated with gold-leaf and represents enlightenment, affirming the fact why Lady Liberty is referred to as ‘Liberty enlightening the World’. The gold-leaf coating reflects the sun's rays during the day and after dusk, the 16 floodlights in the torch light it up. (4)

Torch and Crown of Statue of Liberty

She survived a terrorist attack – in 1916

Two million tons of war materials packed into train cars was blown up in the Black Tom railroad yard on what is now a part of Liberty State Park.   Thousands of windows shattered in lower Manhattan and Jersey City. Shrapnel pock-marked the Statue of  Liberty from this act of sabotage.

According to a recent study, the resulting explosion was the equivalent of an earthquake measuring between 5.0 and 5.5 on the Richter Scale. Windows within a 25-mile radius were broken, the outside wall of Jersey City’s City Hall was cracked and pieces of metal damaged the skirt of the Statue of Liberty (it is because of this explosion that the Lady's torch has been closed off to visitors). (2) A forty feet ladder leads to the torch, however, after the "Black Tom" explosion of 1916, it is no longer accessible to the public.

The culprits? German agents who were determined to prevent American munitions shippers from supplying its English enemy during the First World War. Never mind that the U.S. was officially neutral in the conflict at this point. (3)

Black Tom Explosion Photo from NJ Park and Forest

What's on the tablet?

Measuring 23′ 7″ tall and 13′ 7″ wide, the tablet is held in Lady Liberty's left hand. It displays an inscription, which is the date of United States Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776. The inscription on the Statue of Liberty  denotes the day the United States adopted the Declaration of Independence. (4)  This is the only inscription found on the Statue of Liberty.

Statue of Liberty Tabletphoto credit – The Sonnet

America did not have the funds to build a pedestal, to mount the Statue of Liberty. One of their fundraising ideas was to ask the poet, Emma Lazarus to write a poem for Lady Liberty. She wrote a sonnet, 'New Colossus'  -below. This sonnet was inscribed on a bronze plaque and displayed inside the pedestal. However, after renovation, the plaque was moved to the Statue of Liberty museum, at the base of the pedestal.

"Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


(1) – via  National Park  Service website.




Fall Treasury Love

Posted in Uncategorized

Fall Treasury Love

Happy Monday!  Busy week last week.  As I gather up my paintbrushes, canvases, glasses and paints to get started this week, here is a treasury I made last night.

There are so many wonderful and talented artists and crafters on Etsy. It is fun to gather up some of their fantastic items and showcase them.  I'm often included in other shop owners treasuries and it's fun to spread a little treasury love to others. Enjoy!

A Fun Website for Recycled Art and Products

Posted in Other Artist Work

A Fun Website for Recycled Art and Products   This fun website loaded with lots of clever and interesting recycled, reused, and upcycled products.   There are a lot of clever ideas !  Take a look:

Recycled art butterfly

Michelle Stitzlein creates found object art / sculpture from recycled materials, including piano keys, broken china, license plates, rusty tin cans, electrical wire, bottlecaps, and other miscellaneous items. ore information at Michelle Stitzlein website !

Pallet coffee table  by Un Air de Recup

Another pallets creation, this coffee-table is nicely done with a platform playing on two height and on the assembly of different woods.  More information at Un Air de Recup website !

recycled watch parts by t 2nd VIE website

Thumbnails made ​​with watch parts, recovered from the jewelers. More information at 2nd VIE website !

That’s what you can do with recovery of old kitchen pieces, the horned beast is done with an old water bottle, a colander and kitchen utensils ! More information at 2nde VIE website !

Aren't  they great?! There's lots more at the site.  Enjoy!

A Tribute to Garlic

Posted in Art Work, Peeking Behind the Easel, and Reference Photos

A Tribute to Garlic

What's not to love about garlic? Just about any dish with garlic is delicious and it has a huge amount of folklore behind it.  What I like most about garlic though,  is how it looks.  Garlic  Photographed for painting

The entire bulb is wrapped in thin translucent paper – like nature's tissue paper. As you pull out each individual clove, they are also wrapped similarly.  It's like a little wrapped present from the garden. Once you get the clove unwrapped, the smoothness of the clove contrasts with the papery roughness of the bulb. It's an interesting vegetable and really fun to paint. garlic
As a tribute to garlic, I painted all the parts of the garlic – the bulbs, the paper skin, the cloves and the undersides with the hair-like  roots.  I chose a creamy white neutral  background to not detract from garlic. However it needed a few pops of color, so I added sage and forest greens as an ode to the garden it grows in and to add some depth to the painting. I also added a little touch of maroon – red in the garlic shadows to contrast with the green.  And if you look closely at the both the photos, you can see the subtle maroons in the garlic shadows. painting of garlic. Can be found on
And that is my tribute to garlic and a peek behind my easel.  

Fun With Blackboard Paint

Posted in Jump starting creativity

Fun With Blackboard Paint

Oh the very cool things you can do with blackboard paint! I haven't tried it, but take a look at the creative and fun ways people have used blackboard paint!

Chalk board paint calendarChalk board paint on door panels

Source: via Elizabeth on Pinterest    source:  via Carmella on Pinterest  

So easy to paint on!  And you just paint over it with primer when you are tired of it.  Now take a look at some really creative ways to use the paint:

chalkboard paint
source: via Danielle on Pinterest

more chalkboard paint  Source: source: via AT on Pinterest,   source: via Kathy on Pinterest

And this is just silly but so fun!

John Cachego (NogsOnline) via flickr via

I'm ready to try it!!   How about you?