We have lots of bunnies in the yard year round. There are at least four right now that hang out around the yard. They are a blast to watch when they start playing and chasing each other around the grass. They are very comfortable…. ok, overly comfortable…..
and show little fear when we are around the yard. When the dog is out and about in the yard, they stay where they are, nestle down in the flowers or grass, and just watch him. Often they continue to munch on grass while they keep an eye on him. Occasionally the dog spots them and then the chase is on. The bunnies always win and slip away through the fence. I had the image of the bunnies nestled down in the flowers, keeping an eye on the dog, when I painted this little miniature painting:
And that is a peek behind my easel for the story behind the painting. : ) You can find this painting in my Etsy shop.