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Tag: daffodils

Even More Daffodils

Posted in Reference Photos

I never get tired of seeing blooming daffodils in the spring. Aren't these white ones beautiful?! 

Daffodils in bloom   sibstudio dot com

  All the daffodils in the yard are in full bloom.  

Daffodils on the hillside  SibStudio dot com

Each year the clusters get bigger and fuller.

Two tone yellow daffodils at sibstudio dot com

These two tone yellow daffodils are nestled under a bush that is just starting to bloom. You can really see how the six petals are arranged as two sets of three – three below and three above like pinwheels.  I am painting daffodils on wine glasses this week.  I'll have photos of them posted later in the week.  Enjoy your day !

I Spy Daffodils

Posted in Reference Photos

The first daffodils in my yard have bloomed. It's officially Spring at this house.  🙂 

  Daffodils   SibStudio

 These guys are a lemony yellow. The deeper yellow as well as the pink and orange varieties bloom later in the spring. I enjoy painting and drawing daffodils, so I try to get photos showing the flowers from all sides like this photo.  Hope you are having the warm, sunny weather that is already there in Pennsylvania this morning!

More Signs of Spring

Posted in Reference Photos

Over the weekend, we found some more signs of Spring. As I am writing this, it is snowing. : )   All the more reason to enjoy the peek of Spring that is on it's way!

Daffodil shoots

The daffodils on the left were sheltered by an overgrown decorative grass. The shoots on the right  were not sheltered.    What a  the difference!

The always hardy butterfly bush

You can't keep the Butterfly Bush down even in the winter.  This hardy guy is busy putting out new leaves in spite of the calendar that says February.   I heavily prune the Butterfly bushes this time of year. However, I think I will leave this free thinking one alone and let it do it's thing. Wonder if it will flower early too….?

Snow drop

We almost missed this little three inch Snow Drop. Luckily it didn't get stepped on and I got a photo of the first spring flower in the yard!

Last of the Daffodils

Posted in Reference Photos

Last of the Daffodils

The late spring daffodils are in full bloom here in Pennsylvania. It looks like to me, that these are the prettiest and the most colorful daffodils.  I love seeing the bright yellow after a long winter. But my favorite daffodils are blooming now with wonderful pink, orange, yellow, and white centers, and even all white daffodils.

When I paint daffodils, I usually paint the all yellow ones or the yellow with orange centers. My favorite to paint is the yellow with orange gradated centers.  I will have to look at the pink centers and all whites for future paintings. They could make a very pretty painting.  For a black and white drawing that I am working on, I look for a photo that shows a lot of contrast between lights and shadows, rather than color. The 1st photo is the one I am using for current drawing. The drawing is finished, I'll be sure to post it here.  

White daffodil with yellow center

All white daffodils

and from the 2011 Philadelphia Flower Show :

Peachy orange center

Yellow with orange centers

Daffodil Painting

Posted in Art Work

Daffodil Painting

Hi Everyone!

Just finished a new painting.  I always enjoy looking for the first little daffodil stem buds that appear after the snow melts.  When they finally bloom, you know spring is on it's way. After all the cold, snow and ice this winter, I am really looking forward to seeing them in full bloom. So until then, I'll just paint  them as I wish they were.   : – )

You can find this finished matted painting at my Etsy shop.