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Tag: flower painting

Blue Poppy Painting

Posted in Art Work, and Peeking Behind the Easel

I finished a small painting of blue poppies I started a few weeks ago. It’s a close of up a beautiful rare blue poppy.

I had an opportunity to see rare blooming blue poppies at my favorite place for flowers: Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, PA. They look like their red and orange poppy siblings, but in a really pretty blue.

It really was a sight to see a long line of people waiting for their chance to see these beauties up close. Some with iPhones and others with super fancy camera equipment, but all anxious to see these rare blooming flowers.

This is one of the photos I took. I used this one for my painting. I liked the close up of the petals and the almost perfect circle of stamens – like a golden firework in the center of the flower.

I used yellow in the background to give the blue petals a nice contrast & pop from the canvas. I used blues & purples, as well as touch of white & yellows for the flower. You can find this pretty 8 x 8 inch blue poppy painting on my SibStudio Etsy shop.

Fuchsia Gladiolus Painting

Posted in Uncategorized

Hello again! Hope you are all well as I get my blog back on track! My latest painting is a beautiful stalk of dark fuchsia gladiolus.

Purple gladiolus

My inspiration for this painting is the tall stalks of beautiful gladiolus in a neighbor’s yard. I love watching the buds unroll into tall, full, ruffly flowers. I painted these beauties as a fully unrolled stalks in all their magnificant glory. 

I used mixes of purples, red-violet, blues, and greens with touches of yellow and cream for the highlights. The dark black-green background helps to pop the colors of the flowers and give the painting depth. 

I painted these glads on a 8 x 16 inches gallery wrapped canvas. This size canvas is very popular with my buyers. It’s the perfect size to add a little original artwork to your home or office. This original acrylic painting can be found on my etsy shop: SibStudio

Thank you for stopping by! I will be posting regularly and keep you up to date on both by art and my sewing.