Everyday is like St. Patrick's Day around here if you are thinking of four leaf clovers. Even a week later. My grandmother had a knack for finding four leaf clovers where ever she went. It seems to have skipped two generations to my daughter. No matter where she goes, she can look down and pluck a four leaf clover. The first one I remember her finding was along the edge of a parking lot when she was a preschooler. Here's the one she found yesterday afternoon in the yard:
I've read that there is a one in 10,000 chance of finding a four leaf clover. I need a calculator for the odds of finding 40 – 50 as my daughter has….. so far.
The four leaves of the clover symbolize faith, hope, love, and the fourth, luck. They have been considered a sign of luck from way back in the days of Druids. Some of the four leaf clovers are plain green like the one my daughter found, and others have a white marking like this:
She has found both variations. Four leaf clovers are sometimes called a mutation of the white clover plant. I just call it a lucky white clover plant. : )