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Tag: Shopify shop

New Shopping Site:

Posted in Peeking Behind the Easel, and Peeking Behind the Seam

I’ve mentioned I was working on opening up a Shopfy shop in addition to my Etsy shops. It’s been slow going, but it is up and running. As of right now, I have just my art work posted for sale. My sewing bags, wristlets, & more are coming onboard shortly. I will continue to have both my Etsy shops up and running, and this new website will be in addition to the Etsy shops.

The name of the shopify shop : Take a peek and see what you think!

As frustrated with Etsy as I get, it is very easy to open an Etsy shop and get started. Shopify caters to all big brick and mortar and tiny shops like mine. It’s overwhelming to get started and get the hang of it. But I did it, and I’m up and running. 🙂

Etsy has a limit on their seller covered pricing. This is fine for most of my items – both art & sewing. But I do have a few paintings that are over the pricing. Sibstudio Art & Sewing will allow for some of my higher priced paintings. It will also easily let me showcase my work for some side projects I am working on.

I also wanted to add some accessories like straps and tassels to my sewing shop. It’s difficult to set my Etsy shop to allow this without it looking overly cluttered & messy. I will be able to create sections for the accessories without cluttered up the whole site. I also want to explore some different sewing, again without cluttering up my Etsy shop.

So new things happening around here! I will keep you up to date as I include my sewing on the new site. I will continue to sell on my Etsy shops – SibStudio & SibStudio Sewing! This new site will be in addition to the Etsy shops.