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What’s on my easel this week? 6/17/2021

Posted in Art Work, and Peeking Behind the Easel

On my easel right now is a painting in progress of three pumpkins. I sketched the pumpkins on the canvas with chalk several weeks ago and set the canvas aside. This week I was in the mood to paint pumpkins 🙂

My favorite size canvas of the moment is a 16 x 8 or 8 x 4 inches long canvas. It gives focus to the subject being painted. Luckily my buyers agree, as these sizes are their favorites as well.

I like the composition of a pumpkin trio. It brings a nice balance to the horizontal canvas. I always have some fun at the end with the littlest pumpkin that you will see in my next update. So far in this painting I have painted in my mid tones and my initial darks and lights to give fullness to the pumpkins. Stay tuned to updates and the finished painting!